I’m fed up! 

I’m fed up! Are you?

The U.S. needs about $1 trillion to make sure our water is safe. And this is just to maintain existing systems! This doesn’t include the costs of filtering for new toxic chemicals like PFAS, population growth into new areas outside of current city centers, or needing to become more resilient to climate change. 

  • Yet Washington has been DECREASING investment in our water for decades, leaving hardworking families to foot the bill. 

Sign the petition: Tell Washington to invest in Safe Water! 

What is the impact of this declining investment? Water that is sometimes dangerous and many times unaffordable. 

  • Water rates are rising faster that other household bills, up 43% over Last Decade

  • Even though our water bills are increasing to the breaking point, communities can’t keep up with all the repairs they need to do. That’s why our pipes get a failing grade every year. 

Tell Washington you want safe water! Sign the petition!

So, what you can do about it?  Tell Washington to make provide safe water for all! Sign our petition here: https://safewatervoters.com/get-involved

Donate to Safe Water Voters and help us make 2022 our biggest, boldest year yet! 

Our work and our wins — past, present and future — are because of YOUR support. Safe Water for All in 2022! 


You are not alone! 


We have big, bold plans for 2022!